Retired Superintendent of Schools
Dr. Douglas L. Ragland

In creating my digital technology, I will utilize my personal website as a resource, social media networks such as Facebook and Twitter, Skype, Podcast,Adobe Acrobat Pro, Remind 101, and Google Hangout. First, I will use my personal website, as a means to communicate my personal accomplishments to others as well as a resource informing the public about educational topics such as the following: “My Beliefs in Regards to the Responsibilities of the Superintendent Towards the School and Community”, “My View of the Elements of a Successful School System”, and “My Understanding of the Role of the Community College”. These are current sources of information that can be viewed on my website and I will be adding other topics and links pertaining to K-12 and Postsecondary Education. My goal and intent is to reach all sectors of our society in informing them about educational excellence in K-12 and Postsecondary Education from teaching, administrative, and community perspectives, and utilizing my personal and professional success in articulating this as well. I will grow as I add various links and strategies pertaining to educational excellence and personal success. Secondly, I will utilize my Facebook and Twitter Accounts as a means to communicate information, solicit input, and promote transparency and community involvement in regard to my civic duty appointments on the Birmingham Planning Commission, Midfield Area Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, Birmingham Building Authority Board, and Birmingham Zoning and Action Committee and my role as Chief Financial Officer on the Leadership Team at my church These actions will be taken after the appropriate meeting times of these respective groups when pertinent actions are required to inform the public. These critical community agencies are only successful when we promote openness, communication, collaboration and transparency. Thirdly, I will utilize my Skype Account as a means to communicate via video conferencing in personal and professional communication. On a personal level, I will communicate via my video conferencing in tandem with my wife in her role as Pastor and my role as Chief Financial Officer with our church leadership team regarding church matters on a monthly basis. Thirdly, I will utilize Podcast to communicate with stakeholders and members in my role as Chief Financial Officer at Upper Room Fellowship Church on our church website. I developed the church website and I am responsible for updating it. On the website, I will create a podcast for our church manual, vision, mission, announcements, calendar, and fiscal status. I will communicate with members monthly or when appropriate via email, and through their mobile devices information regarding this information in terms of updated alerts regarding this information as well. In the future as we develop our day care and pre- school, I will podcast to teachers, students, parents, stakeholders and the community pertinent information necessary for success in the areas of curriculum, personnel, communication , finance, and daily operations in general. Fourthly, As Chief Financial Offer of my church, I will use Adobe Acrobat Pro in our church to develop software to maintain accurate financial giving of each individual church member for each fiscal year, create a New Member ship Orientation Program, and to update our church manual, policies and budgeting process. This will be done on a continual basis, but the initial implementation of the church financial software program and the New Member Orientation Program will start in January 2015. I will also utilize Adobe Acrobat Pro on our website as a recruitment tool for new members in providing information regarding special projects, community service, philosophical beliefs, opportunities to serve, opportunities offered for family and singles and the like in our efforts to grow our church. This link will be available in January 2015 as well. Fifthly, I will use the technological tool Remind 101 in our church to enhance communication. My purpose for incorporating this in our church is to make sure that we keep our members informed of changing schedules and meetings of the various auxiliaries and alternating services that we have at both of our church locations. Also this is a tool that will be very useful if we have cancellations of programs and practices as a result of unforeseen emergencies or weather related issues. I am setting a timetable to implement this technological tool in January 2015 and to be used as appropriate in communicating the aforementioned to our congregation. Sixthly, I am very interested in employing the technological tool Google Hangout as a means to keep our Pastor informed and organized in meeting and collaborating with the church leadership team monthly and other auxiliaries as needed. In this day and time, meeting electronically is much more flexible, convenient, and cost efficient in communicating and collaborating with the administrative team and other auxiliaries in the church regarding leadership matters. Our Pastor has two vocations and there is very little time in her schedule to travel back and forth and meet with the leadership team and different auxiliaries. I t is my goal to have this tool implemented starting in January 2015, so we can have excellent communication, organization, and efficiency in every area in our church. As a Retired School Superintendent, Civic and Community Leader and Church Administrator, these are the ways in which technology has and will continue to help me grow both personally and professionally as a leader.