Retired Superintendent of Schools
Dr. Douglas L. Ragland

As a result of different values, experiences and expectations, many students in our public schools today are not meeting the standards to be successful in all disciplines. Low test scores, high drop-out rates and the inability to compete globally with students are indeed evidence related to these issues. Steps that must be taken to counteract or eliminate these factors of deficiency lie in the areas of developing a culture of beliefs, values, and a vision composed of high expectations with everyone being on one accord. In the process we must plan, set goals and objectives, collaborate with all stakeholders, implement our plan, and assess our results to ensure we are meeting the needs of all students at the highest levels. This is in essence what we must do to combat instructional ills and maximize student success. Our curriculum must be student centered with heavy emphasis on opportunities for students to develop critical thinking, problem solving and inferential skills in all areas and in particular reading and writing. In essence, we must all subscribe to and manifest in our efforts the belief that all students can and will learn and failure is not an option. In conveying these expectations and working diligently to achieve our goals, our students will inherently develop a culture of due diligence, high expectations, and success. As educators we must support the vision via financial resources and moral support, assess and monitor what is working and what is not, communicate, and collaborate in fine tuning our plan to ensure success for all individually and collectively. All in all these are the elements necessary for having a successful curriculum, successful teachers and ultimately successful students.`